Set and Dictionary Exercises#

Exercise 1#

Write a function that takes name of two gene files, reads them, and returns which genes are:

  1. In first file but not in second file

  2. In second file but not in first file

Exercise 2#

Load people.tsv into a dictionary. Prompt user for filename

Exercise 3#

Write a function to convert month number to month name. First use a list and then a dictionary

Exercise 4#

Convert a text message to numbers using the following number scheme

0 space 1 ., ?, ! 2 ABC 3 DEF 4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO 7 PQRS 8 TUV 9 WXYZ

Exercise 5#

Write a function that uses enumerate to print the index and value from range. Use vary the enumerate start index

Exercise 6#

Simulate two dice. Print the total, theoretical/expected probability, and simulated probability input: the number of simulations

# Total     Simulated Percent     Expected Percent 

# 2                      2.76                 2.78
# 3                      5.57                 5.56
# 4                      8.34                 8.33
# 5                      11.1                11.11
# 6                     13.83                13.89
# 7                     16.68                16.67
# 8                      13.9                13.89
# 9                      11.1                11.11
# 10                     8.36                 8.33
# 11                     5.57                 5.56
# 12                     2.79                 2.78